Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shine a Light Day

Today, April 9, is Shine a Light Day: a day on which we shine the light on the dark corner of our world where 27 million people live in slavery.

And you know what's crazy? This isn't just a problem for the typical trouble-making countries. This is happening in the United States. There are slaves who work in industries like agriculture,  and there are many who are sex slaves.

The average age of a trafficked sex slave is 12.

I didn't know anything about this until I watched a music video on YouTube that ended with an interview with Christine Caine the founder of the A21 Campaign. Watch a video here where she explains what A21 is about and who they help.

 It's easy to get overwhelmed by how many problems the world has, but that doesn't mean that we should freeze and do nothing simply because we can't do everything. I think Churchill, only slightly out of context, said it best.

"With the help of God, of which we must all feel daily conscious, we shall continue steadfast in faith
Winston Churchill
and duty till our task is done. This then, my lords and gentlemen, is the message which we send forth today to all states and nations, bound or free, to all the men in all the lands who care for freedom's cause. To our Allies and well-wishers in Europe, to our American friends and helpers drawing ever closer in their might across the ocean, this is the message---

Lift up your hearts; all will come right. Out of depths of sorrow and sacrifice will be born again the glory of mankind."

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